Debi D
I am trying to send out 225-250 emails at once using the
BCC (with nothing in the TO: line). I send out a
broadcast email to members of our auto racing series. I
know this can be done... others in our series has sent out
emails to all these people at once without any problems...
using the same list I have.
I can send 94 at once, but not the full group. What it s
the limit?
This is a re-post of a question I had posted on 6/23...
but I couldn't find that one again.
My system is: 98 (b)
Outlook version: (underneath it is: Internet
Mail Only).
The members are saved in an address book that was imported
from a .wab file.
Could errors, such as someone's mailbox being full or a
bad address cause it to bounce. I think it starts to send
it but gets to a certain point and stops.
Thanks to whatever help you can give me. If you could
possibly just email that would great.
BCC (with nothing in the TO: line). I send out a
broadcast email to members of our auto racing series. I
know this can be done... others in our series has sent out
emails to all these people at once without any problems...
using the same list I have.
I can send 94 at once, but not the full group. What it s
the limit?
This is a re-post of a question I had posted on 6/23...
but I couldn't find that one again.
My system is: 98 (b)
Outlook version: (underneath it is: Internet
Mail Only).
The members are saved in an address book that was imported
from a .wab file.
Could errors, such as someone's mailbox being full or a
bad address cause it to bounce. I think it starts to send
it but gets to a certain point and stops.
Thanks to whatever help you can give me. If you could
possibly just email that would great.