how do you SEND THANK YOU email from a form to the SENDER ?



how do you SEND THANK YOU email from a form to the SENDER ?

if a customer fills out our form , how do i get the program to send him

either a copy of the form he just filled out or just an email to say

thank you ??

Reply To : (e-mail address removed)

David Berry

Ask your web host if they have an autoresponder you can set up. Then you
can use that to send an automated reply.


this is a work around , not a solution
there has to be script that can be put into the form
that can send a 2nd form to the person filling out the form.

how do other companies send an email saying , thank you for your
order, details are listed below

there has to be a way i can send a copy of the form contents
to the customer as well as to myself

***Ask your web host if they have an autoresponder you can set up. Then you
***can use that to send an automated reply.
******> how do you SEND THANK YOU email from a form to the SENDER ?
***> if a customer fills out our form , how do i get the program to send him
***> either a copy of the form he just filled out or just an email to say
***> thank you ??
***> Reply To : (e-mail address removed)

Reply To : (e-mail address removed)

Thomas A. Rowe

That is the only solution if using the FP Form Handler!!!!

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

David Berry

Not with FrontPage. You'd have to write you're own scripts using ASP,


can someone sell me the code to put in my orderform.asp ?

i already have the asp page written since several years

with scripts already running, the problem is that

the mailto.exe seems to only want to send to

<form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/mailto.exe" name="FrontPage_Form1">

<input type="hidden" name="sendto" value="(e-mail address removed)">

<input type="hidden" name="cc" value="(e-mail address removed)">

why can't i use the EMAIL variable field to send a 3rd email as in the code
below ?

<input type="hidden" name "email" value ="email" >

***Not with FrontPage. You'd have to write you're own scripts using ASP,
***ASP.NET, PHP etc.
******> this is a work around , not a solution
***> there has to be script that can be put into the form
***> that can send a 2nd form to the person filling out the form.
***> examples
***> how do other companies send an email saying , thank you for your
***> order, details are listed below
***> there has to be a way i can send a copy of the form contents
***> to the customer as well as to myself
***> On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:29:47 -0500, "David Berry" <[email protected]>
***> ***Ask your web host if they have an autoresponder you can set up.
***> you
***> ***can use that to send an automated reply.
***> ***
***> ***
***> ******> ***> how do you SEND THANK YOU email from a form to the SENDER ?
***> ***>
***> ***> if a customer fills out our form , how do i get the program to
***> him
***> ***>
***> ***> either a copy of the form he just filled out or just an email to
***> ***>
***> ***> thank you ??
***> ***>
***> ***> Reply To : (e-mail address removed)
***> ***
***> Reply To : (e-mail address removed)

Reply To : (e-mail address removed)

Thomas A. Rowe

Because mailto.exe doesn't support it ????

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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