How do you suppress blank lines when merging address labels?


Jan Admin Suprv

The old version of mail merge allowed me to suppress black lines on address
labels. I can't find anywhere in the new version that allows that capability.
Anyone know how to do it or if it can be done?

Peter Jamieson

Which version of Word?

"Suppress blank lines" is the default anyway in Word 2002 and later. If
necessary you can toggle it on and off in VBA using

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.SuppressBlankLines = True
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.SuppressBlankLines = False

or you can re-enable the old Mail Merge Helper using
Tools->Customize->COmmands, select category All COmmands, locate
MailMergeHelper and drag it to a toolbar or menu. Then open the Merge...
option and make the setting.

However, the feature only suppresses blank lines that are formed from at
least one blank MERGEFIELD field, and blank lines are not suppressed if the
line is "inside" another field such as IF. If you are using an ADDRESSBLOCK
field you may also need to scrap that and use individual fields instead.

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