How do you tell if you have the SP1 Beta version in?


Chad Harris

MOS2003 on an XP SP2 box.

I wanted to install the One Note SP1. I think because of the April 2004 date, that I have the Beta SP1 installed. I also find it compelling that the EULA mentions pre-release products of One Note SP1.

You're advised of course to uninstall One Note if you do, and not to install SP1 over Beta SP1. But MSFT has enough of a Raiders of the Lost Arc adventuresome spirit that they make version determination a needless scavenger hunt.

They could have labled in Help and About that you're using a Beta SP1 but no.
In the KB on versions, they could have stated in numbers what One Note out of the box's version is; what SP1 Beta's version is, and what SP1's is but no. Too straight forward.

How to Check the Version of One Note

have nothing useful to tell you.

The version I have is 11.6350.6360.
What is the version of One Note Out of the Box?
What is the version of One Note Beta SP1?
What is the version of One Note SP1?

Would it have been too intuitive to put the above 4 versions in either KB or to label what One Note you have Out of the box, beta SP1 or Beta at Help and About?

Is there any where at all besides the EULA that tells you for sure if you have the Beta SP1? I didn't see it by clicking on the link in its Entry in Add/Remove?


Chad Harris

Chris H.

Chad, I can't tell you what the beta version was. I pitched the install and
destroyed the CDs last night. The SP1 version is 11.6360.6360, and won't
install over the beta. It will give you an "unexpected version" message.
:cool: There is additional information on the download site:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

MOS2003 on an XP SP2 box.

I wanted to install the One Note SP1. I think because of the April 2004
date, that I have the Beta SP1 installed. I also find it compelling that the
EULA mentions pre-release products of One Note SP1.

You're advised of course to uninstall One Note if you do, and not to
install SP1 over Beta SP1. But MSFT has enough of a Raiders of the Lost Arc
adventuresome spirit that they make version determination a needless
scavenger hunt.

They could have labled in Help and About that you're using a Beta SP1 but
In the KB on versions, they could have stated in numbers what One Note out
of the box's version is; what SP1 Beta's version is, and what SP1's is but
no. Too straight forward.

How to Check the Version of One Note

have nothing useful to tell you.

The version I have is 11.6350.6360.
What is the version of One Note Out of the Box?
What is the version of One Note Beta SP1?
What is the version of One Note SP1?

Would it have been too intuitive to put the above 4 versions in either KB or
to label what One Note you have Out of the box, beta SP1 or Beta at Help and

Is there any where at all besides the EULA that tells you for sure if you
have the Beta SP1? I didn't see it by clicking on the link in its Entry in


Chad Harris

Chad Harris


Thanks very much. Now I know what the SP1 Beta Version is and the SP1
Version of One Note is. There is a clue in the EULA and they have a link
in Help About to the Eula so if you can figure out there might be a clue in
the EULA then the EULA will do it. When they call the Beta a pre-release
version--that's pretty explicit so I uninstalled it and reinstalled One Note
and then the SP1 went in fine.

I could have taken a deep breath, but even though this is relatively simple
to find the Office or Office app version they just want you to find the
executable and click properties to get the version, it still is a round
about way--explicitly putting ON ONSP1Beta, or ONSP1 would be helpful in
Help About.

How to check the version of Office 2003

One thing that puzzled me was that on the drive where I installed it to
E:\Program Files\Office 11 I have almost 9GB free space on the drive, yet
the space it gave for One Note's SP to go in was not much more than the MB
it is. I wonder if they are estimating a certain folder it has to go in.
The reason I'm concerned is I just can't get MOS 2003 SP1 to go in--and you
don't get a reason on the Office install "troubleshooter" and the only
reason I can think of is that I have plenty of space. I have the Office
Source engine in services started--I don't know if it's an SP2 thing or not,
but I never needed it before to get some Office installs in and now it seems
I do.

If you have a clue as to why I can't get Office SP1 to install with 9GB on
the drive left, I'd appreciate it.

I wish I had a clue why I can't install the Office service pack because
often when you don't have space for something, you're told that's why it's
balking. I also followed the reflex that seems to help some Office installs
which is to turn off Auto-Update and Script blocking in NAV.

This isn't the place but some time I'd like to ask you why MSFT Office Apps
(all and any related like One Note or Front Page)and Adobe apps insist on
installing Wisptis.exe as an adjunct for the Tablet pen when Wisptis.exe is
intrepid about showing up in TM processes and some people find it spikes CPU
and causes freezes.


Chad Harris

Chad Harris

Thanks Chris very much--

You probably know this site, but for those who don't, I find it very useful
for catching new KBs:

I really appreciate the heads up. Turns out they issued a number of new
Office related KBs today, and they need to issue KBs related to the errors
I'm getting and a lot of others are getting:

Product: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 - Update 'Office 2003
Service Pack 1' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional
information is available in the log file

Product: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 -- Error 1336.There was
an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this
installation. Folder: C:\Config.Msi\. System error code: 267

Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800401F0

The server error is mysterious since I've already downloaded the enui.exe to
my downloads file from the server.

The log files are great just like Hexadecimal and Hungarian notation are

MSFT has a definite disconnect between the end user and useful error info.
All of us who help on newsgroups know that we are going to help a large
percentage of people who want us to do searches for them and cull KBs for
them. And it has a benefit--you learn a lot while you're looking for them.

My problem and I believe one of MSFT's is what to do when the KB is
inadequate (all too frequent); information is sparse on the web after a
concientious search, the available info in Event Viewer is in hex or
Hungarian notation.

If you aren't a code head which is a definite advantage, then you don't have
the tools or the skills to interpret the hex or the Hungarian notation nor
can I make sense out of a verbose log and I don't know how to get those
skills and doubt it's a quick learning curve.

So MSFT has not tackled how to transmit useful information for a lot of
problems and error messages generated.

Thanks again for the info and your always helpful posts,

Chad Harris


Chris H.

Chad, I'm continuing to investigate your issues. Which operating system are
you running?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris H.

Forgot to ask, but do you do a lot of work with PDF files? If so, you may
want to look into a program like SolidConverter, which will convert files
into Word documents, which then can be placed in OneNote. The product
information is here:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chad Harris


I'm using the latest build of SP2 2162. I don't use a lot of PDF files, but
coming from you I know a number of people that will appreciate the tip of
Solid Converter and thanks a lot for the link and I'll pass it on.


Chad Harris

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