Yes, that does it -- thanks.
Now here's the full story behind all this:
I saved a document with the file name, "Jack's Xmas List 2003.doc" (no
quotes, of course).
Later, upon attempting to retrieve it, I noticed it was not in alphabetical
order with the other files. I discovered the reason was due to the
apostrophe (it looked different and had a different effect upon the file
sort). So, I copied the file name from Windows Explore, and pasted in into
a word document. There I saw the apostrophe was curly. I could not
reproduce it with any ANSI or ASCII codes or from the Times New Roman
The real mystery is how the file name came to use that unusual apostrophe.
I can't remember if I went into Windows Explore to change the file name, and
it happened then, or if it was originally saved that way. In any case, it
was part of the file name!!?!