Hi Illona,
Your message really helped - I think I've cracked it, at least as far as
project as opposed to project centre views are concerned. Custom Duration 1
is from Start 1 to Finish1. Custom Duration 2 is from Start2 to Finish2
(project task fields not enterprise task ones, which was what I was trying to
For it to work for you I hope you haven't used up too many Start and Finish
fields. Using your example I set up custom Start9 and Finish9 fields, using
IIf([Flag1] AND [Summary],[Start2],'NA')
IIf([Flag1] And [Summary],[Finish1],'NA') respectively.
I had to select the Use Formula for the Calculation for task and group
summary rows. I then enabled Custom Duration 9 in a Project Web Access gantt
chart view, making sure Custom Duration 1 and 2 were disabled, amd it
worked! Only in a project view mind you, I can't work out yet how to use
Custom Duration fields in gantt chart views used in project centre views.
You could then use Start10 and Finish10 for the red line e.g.
IIf([Flag4] AND [Summary],[Start2],'NA')
IIf([Flag4] And [Summary],[Finish1],'NA')
Hope this has helped.