How do you write sideways on a word document?



How do you change to type sideways so I can do tear off phone numbers at the
bottom of a page?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is a lot easier to do in Publisher (if you have it), which has
templates specifically for this purpose. In Word, create a one-row table
with the desired number of columns, then change the text direction in the


Rockclimber said:
How do you change to type sideways so I can do tear off phone numbers at the
bottom of a page?

Indicating which version you are using may help those with the same
version offer specific directions.

Please respond the results of inserting a table, right clicking on one
of the table cells and checking the resulting context menu for "Text
Direction...". Visibility and/or availability of items on menus varied
as Word evolved through different versions, which is why you should
include application version numbers in posts.


In 2007 Word: Insert a table at the bottom of your document (for tear-offs).
Size the cells. Right-click in a table cell, click on format, choose the

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