How does 1 value affect the average?



I have a list of hundreds of numbers.
I have averaged the numbers, and the average is about 100.

I want to see what impact each value has on the average.

To be overly simple. If I had a list of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100. The average is
~19. Without the 100, the average is 3. So the 100 has a greater impact on
the average than do the other values.

How do I express that?


If you take the total of those numbers (115) and express 100 as a
percentage of the total you get 87%, i.e. the number 100 is
contributing 87% to the total, whereas the number 3, for example, is
only 2.6%. So, the relative "worth" or weight of a number can be
expressed as:


formatted as a percentage and copied down.

Hope this helps.


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