How does a 2-page document become an 80-meg file?


Brendan O'Kane

I've noticed recently that Word has been saving relatively short, simple
documents with massive file sizes. At present, I'm editing a 7-page document
with no formatting more complex than a few tables and the odd textbox, and
Word is saving it as an 80-meg file.

What gives?

Stefan Blom

Try the following:

On the File menu, click Properties. Click the Summary tab. Clear
the "Save preview picture" option, if selected. Click OK.

On the Tools menu, click Options. Click the Save tab. Clear the
"Allow fast saves" option as well as the "Embed TrueType fonts".

Save the document again.

Brendan O''Kane

Thanks for the suggestion -- "Preview picture" is already unchecked, as is
the "Embed TrueType Fonts" option, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

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