How does on report site bugs for the newsgroup sites to microsoft?


Shane Devenshire


How does on report site bugs for the newsgroup sites to microsoft?

Shane Devenshire

Mike H


I don't know but if we find out I suggest a campaign of mail bombing to
attempt to gain the attention of whoever is responsible for the shambolic
and ongoing abysmal performance of Microsoft in the (vain) hope something
may be done.

This will probably now illicit suggestion from people that I use this, that
or the other method of accessing the forums and in anticipation of that my
answer is "I don't want to use anything else, I want to used the web based
system" and will continue to do so until any alternative system allows me to
see 'at a glance' whether a question has been answered to the satisfaction
of the OP by the presence of green checkmark.


Gord Dibben


Why is a green checkmark important?

If OP is not helped OP will generally post back saying so.

If OP is helped OP sometimes will post back a Thank You.

Countless others never do post back with yay or nay but you have done your
part by responding.


T. Valko

I used to use the web interface myself *until* they changed it to its
current configuration about 3 or 4 years ago. That's when I made the switch.
I can't remember it being as bad as it is back when I used it.

T. Valko

Why is a green checkmark important?

For registered users, responders that get green checkmarks attain certain
levels of recognition. The more questions you answer correctly the higher
level you attain. I guess this could even lead to be awarded MVP.

Recognized levels on the web interface are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, MVP.

Mike H


And here i am back using the web interface, it decided to work.
Why is a green checkmark important?

Frequently an OP will not post a reply if the question is answered to their
satisfaction they will simply acknowledge with a tick. In any case despite
it's failings and when it's working I like the web interface.

Another reason is when at work my Co have no difficulty with me using the
web interface but I'm simply not allowed to load forte agent or use Outlook
express for this purpose.

lastly and equally as important Microsoft own this thing so they should fix
it, have the plain good manners to explain why it isn't fixed or remove it
from the web.


Gord Dibben

How about non-registered responders who use a News Reader?

Can they get green check marks?


Gord Dibben

In-line responses below.


And here i am back using the web interface, it decided to work.

Frequently an OP will not post a reply if the question is answered to their
satisfaction they will simply acknowledge with a tick. In any case despite
it's failings and when it's working I like the web interface
Very frequently they do not post a reply but if the response was
useful/helpful then they are satisfied and no further action need be taken.
Another reason is when at work my Co have no difficulty with me using the
web interface but I'm simply not allowed to load forte agent or use Outlook
express for this purpose.
Good point about not being authorized to use other readers.
lastly and equally as important Microsoft own this thing so they should fix
it, have the plain good manners to explain why it isn't fixed or remove it
from the web.
I like that point...........make it work or dump it.

Thanks for your input.


T. Valko

Can they get green check marks?

Yes, but since they're not registered the ratings they get are not recorded
or compiled.


Shane Devenshire said:
How does on report site bugs for the newsgroup sites to microsoft?

I don't know [...]. This will probably now illicit suggestion from
people that I use this, that or the other method of accessing the

And may I add: __non-constructive__ suggestions. I don't like the MS
"discussion groups" web interface, and I use it only to work around its most
critical defect.

But regardless of one's preferences, it would be nice to be able to report
problems as we encounter them. I can think of several defects.

I thought MVPs had access to forums that interact directly with MS employees
-- tech or product support, if not developers.

If so, how about if some MVP volunteered to take meaningful defect reports
(not just bellyaching) and try to get them resolved by bringing them to MS's
attention in the "MVP forums"?

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