Do not to worry. I just tried how to do this the easiest way
without any "weird" things with bash or apple script. Forgive me
am a little geeky
I am also Win user, however now at work I got Mac and it is amazing.
And forget about graphic stuff, but I mean powerful system with
underling UNIX system. Amazing. I am sure my next computer will be Mac
MacBook Pro
Any way...
I assume you use Tiger OS X. If not I think in Panther it is the same.
1. Use Spotlight. Amazing tool for searching using possibilities of
the system in 100%. Where it is? Very top, right corner you got small
icon with magnifying glass. Click it and type .xls. Now press enter or
click on 'Show all'. It will open spotlight window with search
results. Now check Documents tab, here you should have shown all files
with .xls extension and even more, since spotlight shows you all files
containing .xls within the document or in document extension. As far
as I know you can also tune your search options, feel free to do it
and let me know, since I need to work now
First, right click on the desktop and create 'New Burn Folder' and
open it. Keep it near your work place. So.. now in spotlight windows,
using APPLE key and mouse click all files which you want. It should
mark/highlight all files which you click. Now move them. click them
and holding click button move them to the new burn folder which you
have just created. It will not copy files but just create reference
for burn.
Burn window you have at the top of window 'Burn' button. Click it, and
plug your CD, and here you go
What is even better! You never need to delete this folder. It will
always keep references/aliases to the files you have selected, so
whenever you update them they will be updated in your burn folder, so
you never have to do it again. Just add new
BTW. you can also safely delete burn folder without any worry about
your original files.
Have fun! In case of any questions just write. OS X is amazing.
Windows is like from some prehistoric, ancient era! It is such a big
pity macs are not more popular in the world
So far it is really the
best computer I ever used, and trust me, I say it even if I am an
engineer and usually in my filed people work with win, but there is
workaround for everything
So now.. I am Mac user
and I am really
Good luck!