how does one copy whole One Note notebook to another



I want to transfer the entire contents of one One Note notebook to another
computer. Then I want to sinc them so changes in one happen to the other. How
does one do that. Both computers have XP and both have Windows One Note 2007.

Thanks for your help


Well ideally there could be a cable between the two computers to sinc them
similar to how I use my Palm but I also have wifi with security so I may be
able to do it that way. There is a tab for file sharing in this One Note
Program but I've never used this. Typically I use a flash drive to transfer
information. Maybe there's a way too. I'm unsure which way it will work.
Thanks for asking and responding.


In OneNote Help, search for "Use a notebook on multiple computers", the
second section deals with "Share an existing notebook among my computers".

The key is to have a folder on notebook A that can be shared by notebook B.

Using the Wifi network is more convenient than manually transferring between
notebooks via the flash drive.

Remember to backup!


Thanks for helping. Any hints on using a flash drive for this process. I
keep copying sections or pages instead of the whole notebook. To ensure
confidentiality, it's the best route even if more combersome.



Hi Susan,

You will find descriptions in this NewsGroup of how to make a flash drive
the save location for notebooks which can then be shared between computers.

You appear to only want to share the occassional section or note so with
that application you would simply continue to use the old:
Menu: File-Save As
and then select the page, section or notebook you wish to save and specify
the flash drive as the destination.

One approach which may suit, would be to create one notebook which is for
sharing with the other computer, and then simply move/copy sections/pages to
that notebook as appropriate.
This will save you the old flash driver sneakerware shuffle :)

Rainald Taesler

The main thing with synching under OneNote is that one does *not* move
files around and/or store the files on more than one computer.
This is valid for using USB-sticks / flash drives too.
Well ideally there could be a cable between the two computers to
sinc them similar to how I use my Palm but I also have wifi with
security so I may be able to do it that way.

WLAN would be fine. But you could also connect the two computer with an
Ethernet-cable and create a peer-to-peer or an "ad-hoc" network.

As said before: For making use of the fantastic synching feature (which
works automatically) the notebook files should be stored only on *ONE*
computer, not both. On the other computer ON will work with the *cache*,
not with data files.
So decide which of the computers shall be the "main" one (acting like
The directory where the notebooks are stored have be as "shared".

Then open OneNote on the other computer and close all notebooks
currently loaded.
Thereafter on the second computer you would open the notebooks one by
one from the shared directory of the "main" computer. Creating a
drive-letter for the shared device on the "main" computers will make
things easier.

When and as long as the computers are connected, all of the data will
automatically be synched.
When the computers are disconnected, ON works with the cache and saves
all changes there.
And as soon as the computers are connected again, the changes made on
both computers will be synched.
There is a tab for file sharing in this One Note Program but I've
never used this.

Which "tab" are you referring to?
I do not see what have in mind :-(
Typically I use a flash drive to transfer information. Maybe
there's a way too. I'm unsure which way it will work.

Copying the notebook files to a stick and then copy them from the stick
to the second computer is a method I would not recommend. This will
easily (and almost compulsory) sooner or later lead to data mismatch
because files on the target computer would be overwritten. And all of
the changes made in between would be lost.

However, if you would like to work with a stick/flash drive, there's an
efficient way too.
The main point in so far would be to store the data files (notebook) on
the stick only, not on any of the involved computers. As said above the
the notebooks shall be stored on *ONE* device only, in this case the
The automatic synching works perfectly well in so far too.

The notebooks would not be opened locally but from the stick on all
computers involved. When the stick is inserted ON will automatically
detect the stick and synch the data from its cache to the stick and vice

For details pls see David Rasmussen's article "OneNote Notebooks on USB
drives and SD cards"

If any questions, pls ask.


Tony Luxton

Hi Susan,

Just a suggestion - why not put the notebook on machine A, and put a copy on
the flash drive, in a Windows Briefcase.. Work on the notebook using machine
B, then use Briefcase to sync it with machine A.

HTH Tony

Rainald Taesler

Tony said:
Just a suggestion - why not put the notebook on machine A, and put
a copy on the flash drive, in a Windows Briefcase.. Work on the
notebook using machine B, then use Briefcase to sync it with
machine A.

This is not a good idea IMHO.
It will spoil OneNote's fantastic synching mechanisms.


Rainald Taesler

pwwroa said:
I use allway sync. google it

This also is not a good idea at all.
Any synching tool working on a per *file* basis does spoil ON's

OneNote data-files should always be kept away from any other synching
solution, incl. "Offline Folders".


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