How does one select bulleted text?



Can anyone help me with the code to search through a
document looking for paragraphs that are bulletted or
numbered, and then then setting the indents and tabs the
same for each one?
I found objects called "listgallery", "ListLevel"
& "ListTemplate" & their collections in the help file, but
can't make head nor tail of the rest of the jargon!

Should end up something like:

For each myParagraph in ActiveDocument
If myParagraph is bulleted or numbered then
TabStop = x cm
Indent = y cm
Else next myParagraph
End if

Thanks in advance

Helmut Weber

Hi Robbie,
are you looking for something like this:
Dim oPrg As Paragraph
For Each oPrg In ActiveDocument.ListParagraphs
oPrg.LeftIndent = CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
oPrg.RightIndent = CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
oPrg.FirstLineIndent = CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
' and still more possibilities
Here and now I have to minimze the window
and maximize it again, to make word show
all the changes.

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