How does outlook determine which names to dropdown in 'to' field



I am using MS Outlook 2003. When composing a new email, putting a letter into
the 'to' field, causes a dropDown list to appear of previously used email
addresses. How does Outlook determine which email addresses to show. Some
addresses from my Inbox & Sent Folder are showing and some not!

Thank You

Brian Tillman

msuser18 said:
I am using MS Outlook 2003. When composing a new email, putting a
letter into the 'to' field, causes a dropDown list to appear of
previously used email addresses. How does Outlook determine which
email addresses to show. Some addresses from my Inbox & Sent Folder
are showing and some not!

You answered you own question. The drop-down contains address to which you
have sent messages in the past. They have no connection to anything in any
of your folders, except incidentally.


you have an 'profilename'.nk2 file located in your
docs/settings/userprofile/application data/microsoft/outlook folder that hods
autocomplete for destination addresses. If you send email to somebody, it
places the address here. you can delete entries from the drop dpwn list to
remove addresses.

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