how does publisher reference files?



I am using Publisher 2003, and it is fully updated. What I am trying to do
is launch a pop up window from a hyperlink. The pop up is simply an image,
and the thumbnail contains the hyperlink to the larger image. Here is my
href="'Picture51.jpg','p51_window','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=1,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=1136, height=852');p51_window.focus()"><img src="ThumbPicture51.jpg"></a>
I took it off of and modified it slightly.
The problem that I am having is that publisher can not find the files
that I am refering to. I see that what it is looking for for the pop up is
index_files/Picture51.jpg, so I pasted Picture51.jpg into the folder that is
labeled index_files. However, this doesn't remedy the problem. I should
also note that I am having the same problems with the thumbnail as well, it
shows up as a missing file.
So my question is how do I refer to these files so that they will show

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

I just tested this script and it works.
So your issue must be a path problem.
As you have it coded now the image files MUST be in the same folder as the
html file that contains this script.

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