How does Windows Vista Search do with OneNote 2007 files ?


Rainald Taesler

Ben M. Schorr - MVP shared these words of wisdom:
Should be fine - it's essentially WDS.

"Essentially" only or really built-in without any additional care


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Rainald,

Well, it's built-in. Not sure what kind of "additional care" it might need.
I believe it's just an integrated WDS though I'm not on the Vista team and
haven't gotten under the hood to look for myself.

In my limited testing so far it seems to work fine.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Q: Does Windows Desktop Search allow you to : have different indexes
of your files (say may 10 different indexes) ?

Or does it treat your whole darn hard drive(s) as one big mess ?


I'd have to ask. Why would you want different indexes? That sort of defeats
the purpose of having one universal search doesn't it?

The number 1 problem with these ULTRA MEGA "entire computer" search
things is you get too many hits. If you get too many hits it is

My life spans many entirely different domains.

In Microsoft's mindset of computing you'd think they'd at least
separate : Work Files, Personal Files, are you sure you want these
to be "mushed up together in the same search ?". I sure don't.

Of course if you had certain subsets of indexes you could always have
a button to search "all indexes". So your need to search everything
is still there.

Unfortunately Google Desktop search is just another "Mega" indexer for
It's sad you need to use two programs to accomplish what one should be
able to do.

For the record, I am attempting to use dtsearch for this. Not sure
how it will turn out.

Michael D. Adams said:
In Microsoft's mindset of computing you'd think they'd at least
separate : Work Files, Personal Files, are you sure you want these
to be "mushed up together in the same search ?". I sure don't.

Of course if you had certain subsets of indexes you could always have
a button to search "all indexes". So your need to search everything
is still there.

Granted, I am but a lowly XP user, but at least in the version of Win
Desktop Search installed on my machine, I see the option to filter the
search by predefined location and/or by file type.

While this may not be precisely what you describe...I bet it could be
configured to do something pretty darned close.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP


Well, o.k. I guess I rarely have that problem but maybe I'm just using more
precise search terms? If I get too many hits it's not because of searches
that blur my personal and professional lives but rather because I get hits
out of IM archives, e-mail, documents, and other things and limiting the
TYPE of file, rather than the domain of that file, presents a result set
that is useful and managable.

I suppose I can see the value in being able to define subsets -- it order
to segregate them, however, you'd almost always have to do it by folder structure
(unless we created some sort of metadata to discern it). But with those
subsets defined it would follow that you'd be able to limit your search with

Sounds like a good feature suggestion.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


Well, o.k. I guess I rarely have that problem but maybe I'm just using more
precise search terms? If I get too many hits it's not because of searches
that blur my personal and professional lives but rather because I get hits
out of IM archives, e-mail, documents, and other things and limiting the
TYPE of file, rather than the domain of that file, presents a result set
that is useful and managable.

I suppose I can see the value in being able to define subsets -- it order
to segregate them, however, you'd almost always have to do it by folder structure
(unless we created some sort of metadata to discern it). But with those
subsets defined it would follow that you'd be able to limit your search with

Sounds like a good feature suggestion.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

- Show quoted text -

Please volunteer the last time you searched your ENTIRE computer (and
all the contents that WDS indexes) for something. Why did you do it ?

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