How drop the dot from templates?



Have Office XP and Word XP (2002). Created some templates (of format When I click on File>New. all of Word's pre-defined
templates have clean names like "Professional Resume" or "Contemporary Fax",
but mine all have the "dot" extension. like "".

How can these filenames be trimmed to just "ShippingLabel" or at least
display that way? Hint on what would be a wrong answer. If you just drop
the "dot" it quits showing up at all when click File>New. If you go in
properties and change the document "title" doesn't make any difference


Lost in Word

Jay Freedman

Hi, George,

It's possible but not worth it...

If you go into Windows Explorer, click Tools > Folder Options > View,
and check the option "Hide extensions for known file types", the
extensions won't show up in Explorer, and they won't show up in the
Office File > New dialogs either.

The trouble is that if you hide extensions, you can't tell when a file
has the wrong extension or multiple extensions. Since this is a
favorite trick of virus writers, it can be very important to be aware
of file extensions. If I had any influence at Microsoft, it wouldn't
be possible to hide extensions anywhere!

My advice is to get used to seeing the .dot extensions.


Thanks Jay,

So bottom line is that there's no easy answer like deleting the dot
extension or changing something in properties of the template file, else my
template files show a "dot" and Microsoft's canned templates don't show a
"dot", is that about right?

Also wondered if any other newsgroup posters have ideas on this.


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