How I can find the Drawing Tools or Format tabs to move a picture



I know this is a stupid question, but I can't find the the Drawing Tools or
Format tabs ( I think to turn off Snap objects to grid) so I can move around
the photos/objects I've inserted, and to group. I've called myself searching
through the self help docs. The instruction were to click the object and it
was suppose to appear... and so on, but I don't see that option in MS Office
Word. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Veronica

Kate G.

Which version of Word are you using? If 2003 or previous -- click on
View --> Toolbars--> Drawing.

What do you mean by "Format tabs"? Can you right click on an object and
select FORMAT?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Veronica,

If you had text already selected in Word 2007 and then click a graphic in the document the Picture Tools tab appears above the
normal ribbon tabs, rather than auto switching to the Picture Tools ribbon. In that case, clicking again on the graphic or clicking
on 'Picture Tools' tab should bring that ribbon into view.

If you did not have any text selected(highlighted) then the ribbon should autoswitch as you click the picture. You can also change
the text wrapping and format the picture by right clicking on the picture.

I know this is a stupid question, but I can't find the the Drawing Tools or
Format tabs ( I think to turn off Snap objects to grid) so I can move around
the photos/objects I've inserted, and to group. I've called myself searching
through the self help docs. The instruction were to click the object and it
was suppose to appear... and so on, but I don't see that option in MS Office
Word. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Veronica>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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