How I increase space between table and text


Al G.

Using Word 2003. I want to increase the whote space for appearance reasons before a table
so there is more separation between the text above the table (body text) and the tablet
without having to use a carriage return to force a new line. I cannot find a "space
before" function as found in the paragragh style that would apply to the entire table. I
want to update the table style to have this automatically.

Can this be done in Word?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

There are two ways to approach this, none of them entirely satisfactory. If
your table is borderless (or in any case doesn't have a top border on the
top row), you can apply Space Before to the paragraph as you normally would.
It will be inside the table, but if there are no borders, this will not
matter. If you have borders, then you have to add Space After to the
preceding paragraph. The same applies in reverse for space below the table.

Al G.

Thanks. It looks like word treats tables like regular text with just borders around it
not a separate element. I wish it behaved more like a frame.



You can do this by setting the Table Properties so that text wraps around
the table and then you have control over the distance of the surrounding
text above, below and to the right and left of the table.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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