How I use IF function

  • Thread starter IF function 7 layers
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IF function 7 layers

Since IF function only have 7 layers and not accept more than 7 layers, I do
not know how I split the data to different week as following. Thanks for all
of your help. Thanks.

For exmaple.
B1 C1
Wk1 Wk2 3/4/05
A1+7=3/11/05 B1+7

Nan1 3/4/05 10 20 10 20
Nan2 3/11/05 50 70
50 70

Total 10
70 70

The purpose is that I have to split the sales to each week based on the
product's starting date. In result, I have total sales for each week. How I
write the formular in the middle area to split the wk1 and wk2 data in
correct cell. Thanks.

Best Regards,

Dawn Zhu


I need help about IF function. Since Excel only allows 7 layers of IF
functions. For example:

IF(A1B1-AA1BB1=1, E1, IF(A2B2-AA1BB1=2, E2, IF(.............)))) Total 7

But I need 15 layers to split the 15 weeks sales. Is there another way to
complete this kind of function? Thanks.


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