How import multiple tables from same web page (Web Query)?



I want to import multiple tables from the same web page
that I find with a google search. Is there an easy way to
do that?

This is what I did (sigh). Click on Data > Import External
Data > New Web Query, go to and search for
"1926 s&p 500" without quotes. Click on the link for "AIM
Investments: How to Survive the Stock Market's Ups and
Downs" at .
Page down to the several tables under the titles "The Stock
Market: The Good Years" and "... The Bad Years". Select one
table and click Import.

I have to repeat the whole thing, including the Google search,
for each table :-(.


I said:
I have to repeat the whole thing, including the Google search,
for each table :-(.

PS: Cut-and-paste of the AIM URL did not work. That is,
cut-and-paste was not allowed into the New Web Query
address field, at least not with right-click.

PPS: Save Query and re-running the saved query did not
do what I want. I imported the entire AIM page.


I said:
I want to import multiple tables from the same web page
that I find with a google search. Is there an easy way to
do that?

Okay, sounds like a "dumb" question. I simply have click on
multiple "->" handles next to each table.

But what if I what to control the placement of each table?

The point of my inquiry was: is there an easy way to revisit
a web page used for a web query, given the complex sequence
of steps that it takes to get to that web page? (See my
original posting.)

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