How important is the \a switch in fields?



I have a template with MANY fields linked to excel. The template takes
forever to open. I've used options and disabled the update automatic links
on opening, but it still opens very slow. What will happen if I take all of
the \a switches out of the fields? Will it jam everything or open my
template faster? I have code that updates all fields before saving so that's
not an issue.

Cindy M.

I have a template with MANY fields linked to excel. The template takes
forever to open. I've used options and disabled the update automatic links
on opening, but it still opens very slow. What will happen if I take all of
the \a switches out of the fields? Will it jam everything or open my
template faster? I have code that updates all fields before saving so that's
not an issue.
Hard for us to say, since we're not familiar with the file. Best would be to
test it. If you're updating the fields otherwise, then you don't need the \a
switch (these are LINK fields, I take it).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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