how is document map in v.X?


matt neuburg

Andy said:
I've read some advice saying that Document Map is unstable and
shouldn't be used. Is that still true in v.X?

In my experience, yes. For example, if you use the Document Map you can
accidentally cause your document to be reformatted with autoformat,
which is absolutely infuriating. m.

Beth Rosengard


matt neuburg

Andy said:
If you uncheck autoformat, are there other issues to worry about?

In my experience, unchecking autoformat has nothing to do with the case.
My ebook, Take Control of What's New in Word 2004, gives all the gory
details. The only thing I've found you can do is quickly undo the
autoformatting after it takes place. m.

Clive Huggan

In my experience, unchecking autoformat has nothing to do with the case.
My ebook, Take Control of What's New in Word 2004, gives all the gory
details. The only thing I've found you can do is quickly undo the
autoformatting after it takes place. m.
That is, by keying Command-z



Oh well, thanks for your input. I was hoping to use it, I think it'd be
a useful feature. I don't know why it should be so difficult to

Klaus Linke

Andy said:
Oh well, thanks for your input. I was hoping to use it, I think it'd
be a useful feature. I don't know why it should be so difficult to

The only AutoFormatting it does is to assign outline levels, and that only
sometimes (if there are no or few headings, and there are also short, bold
paragraphs without punctuation).

Most times, you can use Document Map without problems... and even if Word
does assign outline levels, that isn't too problematic (... only problem I
can think of is a TOC based on outline levels), and can be fixed (manually
or with the macro from Beth's URL).


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