I'm about to emark on a report writing project that could run to , say,
around 200 pages. The other tricky thing is that I do have several large
figures and Many cross refs to Captions etc.
I've heard lots of horror stories here and elsewhere about how word
sometimes corrupts these kind of docs. Any advice about how I can avoid
Sometimes, my version complains its low on memory. Although I do have a
reasonable 1 GB of RAM. Any settings tweaks? Or memory hogging frills I
should disable?
Are hyperlinked TOC's and TOF's a bad idea? I mean I could live without them
and I'm wondering if that is a corruption-magent!
Also this report has to be constructed from 3 or 4 smaller docs that I
already have ready. Should I just do this manually? From soom google
searches I suspect I should be fleeing away from Master-Documents as fast as
I can. What do you advise MVPs?
Or are things so bad that I will be forced to migrate to LaTex?
I'm about to emark on a report writing project that could run to , say,
around 200 pages. The other tricky thing is that I do have several large
figures and Many cross refs to Captions etc.
I've heard lots of horror stories here and elsewhere about how word
sometimes corrupts these kind of docs. Any advice about how I can avoid
Sometimes, my version complains its low on memory. Although I do have a
reasonable 1 GB of RAM. Any settings tweaks? Or memory hogging frills I
should disable?
Are hyperlinked TOC's and TOF's a bad idea? I mean I could live without them
and I'm wondering if that is a corruption-magent!
Also this report has to be constructed from 3 or 4 smaller docs that I
already have ready. Should I just do this manually? From soom google
searches I suspect I should be fleeing away from Master-Documents as fast as
I can. What do you advise MVPs?
Or are things so bad that I will be forced to migrate to LaTex?