How "launch upon opening" document



Am using WordXP. Created a simple document template for business letterhead
and used macro recorder to drop down a few spaces excecute a few clicked

How can I get this macro to trigger itself and run every time upon opening
this template? Is there a checkbox somewhere to choose this, or do I have
to "edit" the script, which could be difficult for an amateur.


Thanks Jezebel,
Just a brief add-on question. Since there can only be one thing named
AutoOpen in a given document, what if I name an AutoOpen in the NORMAL
template, which I understand somehow invokes its macros globally, and also
create an AutoOpen in my template... is this possible and
which one would overrule the other (assuming the AutoOpen script is
different in each file). Or do both tasks get done?

Charles Kenyon

Haven't tried it recently, but when I tried this in Word 97 the macro in the
document template ran and the one in did not.

However, if you are properly creating new documents based on your template
rather than opening your template, you want your macro named AutoNew instead
of AutoOpen. AutoOpen does _not_ run when a new document is created.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Peter Hewett

Hi George

Just to add expand upon what Charles has said. The macros: AutoNew,
AUtoOpen, Document_New, Document_open in are only triggered if
you're creating a document or opening a document based on the
template. If you're opening or creating a document based on your own
template then the macros in your template will be executed.

If you have the same macros (say AutoOpen) in both your template and the AutoOpen in your template will be triggered NOT the one in The exception to this is if Word cannot find your template, in
that case Word will attach your document to and fire it's
AutoOpen macro.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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