How long can Excel (PC) be expected to run without re-boot?


Damir Sudarevic


I have an Excel application which is supposed to run 24/7. Windows Nt &

Would anyone be willing to share their experience of how long can a PC run
without re-boot?

I know that this depends on may things, but in average we'll get a pretty
good answer.

In my experience the trouble (freezing, weird behavior) usually starts after
8-10 days.

Any similar experiences?

This may not be exactly a direct VBA question, but more like "what can we
expect of it", so I feel it's ok for this newsgroup.



Nick Hodge


I doubt you will get many replies as it *really* matters what the machine is
doing, whether the code is efficiently written, freeing objects, etc and
whether you are using any notorious 'leaky' areas of code, i.e printing in

If you produced a few chart every hour and printed it, you would need to
reboot almost each cycle. If you are going to change the value of one cell
then it should run for's that varied I'm afraid.

Peter Russell

I'm fascinated.

Let's assume you could get a categorical answer.
What good would that information do you?

(On average I can drive through 20 red lights before getting hit by
another car - should I drive through the next one?)


Peter Russell

Damir Sudarevic

Hello Peter,

Well, the idea is to get real-life experiences. Based on that one can
"schedule" mandatory re-boots before the trouble starts. Also, it is
possible to advise customer up-front that "for a system. like this...." it
is expected that you may have to re-boot a PC every (....).

It looks funny, but most people do not understand why would one need to
re-boot at all.

Most PCs run as office applications, and are re-booted at least once a day.
It's hard to find many people who have them running 24/7, so I am hopping to
"tap" into their experience.



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