How long would it take to completely learn access 2000?


Rick B

Ten years? Ten hours? It all depends. To "completely" learn Access is
pretty much impossible. I doubt even the most arrogant MVP with years of
experience would claim they know access completely. I can do some pretty
amazing things with Access, but I am only at an intermediate level (if
that). I have been using Access including vba code for almost ten years.

In order to even come close to answering your question, we'd need to know
your current knowledge level and what level you hope to reach. Also, how
fast you pick up. It might take my dad ten years to learn the same access
knowledge that my younger brother could pick up in a few weeks.

John Spencer

Completely learn.

Well, I've been at it since 2000 and I am still learning. I worked for a
few more years in Access 97 and before that I did relational database work
in other products. It could be that I'm a bit slow - so don't take this as

The good news is that you can do a lot with Access quickly and expand your
abilities as the problems become more complex.

The first thing to do (if you can) is to study a bit on relational design.
Or you can do like I did, learn over time with a bit of heartache.

Ed Warren

:>, It's not possible, they change and upgrade faster than us poor slobs can
absorb it!

Ed Warren.

Jeff Boyce

Is this a hypothetical question? What is your desired end-state?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

(been at it for over ten years, still learning...)

Brendan Reynolds

There are so many different aspects to database development that you will
never stop learning. That is what makes it is such a wonderful occupation.

Albert D.Kallal

If you look at the number of commands in the programming language, or in
sql..there is VERY few commands that you actually use....

in sql you have only about 5 or 6 key words to use...

lets see.....

select, from, join, order by.....

Gee..that is about it.... (just barely 5 or 6 commands).

In the programming language, you have dim, if/then, call sub...again, less
then 20 commands. Again, not much at all...

So, you are much like asking how long does it take to use a paint brush.

Gee...a bucket...a pan...and a few minutes to slop the brush in the paint
and away you go....

Really, the time to learn to use a paint brush, or ms-access is VERY short.

However, the time to learn how to paint something really nice, or develop
something really nice is another issue here.

So, if you can answer how long it takes to learn to paint really well, then
you likely can answer how long it takes to really learn ms-access well....

I suspect a really good painter who has never used chalk to draw with can
lean it really fast.....

And, if you are hard core developer with 10 years of development experience,
then learning ms-access will occur at a rather rapid rate.....

I first started using sql in 1991....still learning it now.......

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