How make Calendar colour past days in diff colour from the rest?



I have Outlook 2003 Professional Edition. How do I make Outlook change the
colour of past days automatically? I want past days to have another colour,
or be darker, or whatever, as to be different from today's date or future
dates,. Just so that I sooner can find today's appointment by a quick glance
on my calendar.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

That would be somewhat difficult in Outlook 2003. You can try to use the
edit labels function to access the additional options for setting conditions
on the labels. Use the advanced view to set your preferences.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, LaMyta asked:

| I have Outlook 2003 Professional Edition. How do I make Outlook
| change the colour of past days automatically? I want past days to
| have another colour, or be darker, or whatever, as to be different
| from today's date or future dates,. Just so that I sooner can find
| today's appointment by a quick glance on my calendar.

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