I have been reading up on normalization and now I need to start planning out
all my tables and fields.
Please bear with me I know that I can be tedious but I really need to get
this done.
What I need to do is
Have an item in my switchboard called Business info
In this section I need to have the following fields:
ô€¹ï€ Is the application in respect of
- a new business?
- an existing business?
- a franchise?
- a newly acquired business?
ô€¹ï€ If a franchise, enclose the franchise agreement
- Name of the business
- Telephone and facsimile numbers
- Trading name of business
ô€¹ï€ If a company or close corporation, state the full registered name and
enclose Form CK1 or CK2 where applicable
- Street address from which business will be / is operating
- Postal address of business
ô€¹ï€ If a company or close corporation, the address of the registered office
ô€¹ï€ Registration number
ô€¹ï€ Date registered
ô€¹ï€ Owners of the business:
- Name(s)
- Director, partner, member or shareholder
- Percentage holding
- Financial contribution
The personal details section should be completed individually by each of the
owners in the business.
ô€¹ï€ First name(s) and surname
ô€¹ï€ Date of birth
ô€¹ï€ Identity number
ô€¹ï€ Business and home telephone numbers
ô€¹ï€ Full residential address
ô€¹ï€ Nationality
ô€¹ï€ If not a South African, are you a permanent or temporary resident?
ô€¹ï€ How long have you been resident at your present address?
ô€¹ï€ Is your residential property owned or rented?
Marriage details
ô€¹ï€ Married, single or divorced
ô€¹ï€ Married by ANC or COP
ô€¹ï€ Has your status changed since 1984? (If so, attach a copy of the
ô€¹ï€ If married by ANC, attach a copy of the contract
ô€¹ï€ If divorced, on what date was it final? (Attach a copy of the final
decree of divorce).
ô€¹ï€ Number of dependants, including spouse
ô€¹ï€ Number of children and their ages
Spouse’s details
ô€¹ï€ First name(s) and surname
ô€¹ï€ Date of birth
ô€¹ï€ Identity number
ô€¹ï€ Employer, current position at work and work address
ô€¹ï€ Business and home telephone numbers
ô€¹ï€ Annual income
Personal references
ô€¹ï€ Names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of at least three people
to whom reference can be made.
Business Plan Guidelines 6
Employment history
ô€¹ï€ Highest educational qualification obtained and when achieved
ô€¹ï€ Formal apprenticeships or pupilage and when completed
ô€¹ï€ Career history details: employer, employment period, type of work, last
position held, annual income
ô€¹ï€ In what capacity will you be employed in this business?
ô€¹ï€ The monthly income you will earn from the business
ô€¹ï€ List the other financial benefits that you will receive from the
business and give Rand value.
Financial affairs
ô€¹ï€ Do you have or have you had an interest in another business? Give details
ô€¹ï€ If you have been sequestrated, when were you rehabilitated?
ô€¹ï€ Give details if you were found guilty of criminal offences
ô€¹ï€ Give details of judgements for debt against you
Details of personal assets
Fixed property
ô€¹ï€ Stand number, street address, name in which registered, market value,
municipal value.
ô€¹ï€ Provide details of these properties sold under Deed of Sale
Machinery, vehicles and equipment, etc
ô€¹ï€ Registered owner, description, year model, date purchased, registration
number, leased or owned
Furniture and fittings
ô€¹ï€ Estimated market value
ô€¹ï€ Ownership vested in yourself and your spouse?
Life insurance
ô€¹ï€ Life insured, insurance company, policy number, annual premiums, death
value, date taken out, type of policy, surrender value, beneficiary
Banking accounts
ô€¹ï€ Account in the name of, name of bank, branch name, type of account,
account number, present balance
Investments, fixed deposits, etc
ô€¹ï€ Investment in the name of, where invested, type of investment, amount
invested, interest rate, expiry date
Share investments in listed companies
ô€¹ï€ Investment in the name of, name of company, number of shares, present
market value
Business Plan Guidelines 7
Share investments in private companies
ô€¹ï€ Investment in the name of, name of company, number of shares, present
market value, copy of the latest financial accounts
Membership of close corporation
ô€¹ï€ Name of member, name of close corporation, percentage membership, amount
contributed, copy of the latest financial accounts
Details of personal liabilities
Fixed properties (listed above)
ô€¹ï€ Stand number, bonded to, Rand value of bond registered, outstanding
balance, monthly repayments
Machinery, vehicles and equipment (listed above)
ô€¹ï€ Registered owner, registration number, financed by, outstanding balance,
monthly repayments
Furniture and fittings (listed above)
ô€¹ï€ Items not yet fully paid for, outstanding balance(s), monthly repayments
Jewellery, cameras etc. (listed above)
ô€¹ï€ Items not yet fully paid for, outstanding balance(s), monthly repayments
Life insurance policies ceded to a third party (as listed above)
ô€¹ï€ Policy number, ceded to, why ceded
Credit cards
ô€¹ï€ Name of card holder, name of bank, present balance, expiry date,
ordinary limit, budget limit
Banking accounts (listed above)
ô€¹ï€ On which account number(s) do you or your spouse use overdraft
ô€¹ï€ What are the limits? What are the expiry dates? What are the present
balances? Provide details of security held by the bank
Short and long term-term personal liabilities, excluding normal trade
ô€¹ï€ Owing by, owing to, outstanding balance(s), how or when payable, monthly
ô€¹ï€ In favour of whom have you signed sureties? State amount of the
sureties, purpose of suretyships
Business Plan Guidelines 8
Notarial bonds
ô€¹ï€ Over which of your assets have Notarial bonds been registered? In favour
of whom? For what amount? For what purpose?
ô€¹ï€ The gross monthly income of each spouse
ô€¹ï€ If buying an existing business : Why the current owner wishes to sell
the business, details on the current owner and selling price of the business
ô€¹ï€ Describe the present or proposed activities of the business
ô€¹ï€ If the business is part of a group of companies, provide details in the
form of an organogram
Business Plan Guidelines 9
ô€¹ï€ For a company
- Authorised share capital
- Issued share capital (number of shares)
ô€¹ï€ Give details of owners listed above who have an interest/interests in
other businesses
ô€¹ï€ How long has the business been owned by the owners listed above?
ô€¹ï€ Provide details if the business or any of the listed owners have ever
been compromised with their creditors