I am utilizing this database to track repossessions. The main table
tblCaseInfo (that I am asing the questions on) has close to 100 fields, here
are what some of the fields are: Account#, DebtorName, DebtorLastName,
DebtorAddress, DebtorCity, DebtorState, DebtorZip, DebtorPhone, DebtorCell,
CoMakerName, CoMakerLastName, CoMakerAddress, CoMakerCity, CoMakerState,
CoMakerZip, CoMakerPhone, CoMakerCell, FieldRep, ClientCode, ClientName,
Leinholder, Year, Make, Model, KeyCode, VIN, Color, Dealership,
ClientNotes... There are also fields for References (Name, Address, City,
State, Zip, Phone); Place of Employment for Debtor (again, Address, City,
State, Zip); and other fields for when a vehicle is picked up (storage and
The ClientName and Leinholder fields are populated after you put in the
ClientCode from the tblClientInfo. Vehicle Make is a drop down and the info
is pulled from tblMake (this is just a list of car makes).
Any given field that has repeated information (like the client information)
is pulled from another table, but there is a lot of information that is
specific to each repossession; so I don’t think I am "committing
spreadsheet." But I could be wrong.
I am now following the vehicles through the auction and need to add some
more fields, but again these fields will be specific to each debtor/car...
but I am concerned that the tblCaseInfo is getting too large. I think I am
going to do an additional table for the AuctionInfo, but it never hurts to be
knowledgeable about things and any suggestions you can give me I am open to.
Does it seem like I am "commintting spreadsheet?" I have been reading about
Normalizing and I did print off an article Understanding Normalization by
Michael J. Hernandez, so I am trying to critique my own work and see if there
are better ways to do what I am doing. I am open to any suggestions.
PS. I created this database 3 years ago, and it has been working extremely
well for all my offices, but I want to work on making it better! Thank you,