How many keystrokes can I send per second?



How many keystrokes can I send per second with 'Sendkeys' statements assuming
tab keys and text are mixed?

Gary''s Student

Many, many strokes.

The keystrokes are buffered until control returns to the application, either
directly or thru DoEvents

Gary''s Student

Check back tomorrow.

I'll cook up a little macro to measure system, SendKeys about 10,000
character, and measure time again.

This will give us enough information to calculate the number of characters
per second.


Great - many thanks for your help. I'm trying to convince people at work
that lots of time will be sent in a data transfer project from one database
to another and this information will prove useful to support my arguments -
I'm also running timed tests of my program against manual input but don't
have the knowledge to time the max. keystroke output in seconds.

Gary''s Student

It is important to remember that a human is very limited in the ability to
type quickly. The standard QWERTY keyboard was designed to slow down typing,
not speed it up.

Even if you just hold a key down, the thruput is limited by the repeat rate.

We will see if SendKeys can do better!

Gary''s Student

First the code:

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "Kernel32" () As Long
Sub qwerty()
Dim ary(1 To 1350) As String
Dim n1 As Long, n2 As Long
For i = 1 To 1350
ary(i) = Chr(Int(((90 - 65 + 1) * Rnd) + 65))
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
n1 = GetTickCount()
Application.SendKeys "{F2}"
For i = 1 To 1350
Application.SendKeys ary(i)
Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
n2 = GetTickCount()
MsgBox (n2 - n1)
End Sub

So we make a long array of characters, record time, pump the characters into
a cell, re-record the time, and display the difference.

On my elderly Dell, I am able to get 1350 characters into a cell in about
950 milliseconds. And thats sending them one character at a time.


Gary's student,

This is fantastic!- will use this to check my computer - the stats will hel
reinforce my arguments for more extensive automation at work - your help has
been invaluable.

Best wishes,


Gary''s Student

Glad to help!
Gary''s Student - gsnu200813

Zakynthos said:
Gary's student,

This is fantastic!- will use this to check my computer - the stats will hel
reinforce my arguments for more extensive automation at work - your help has
been invaluable.

Best wishes,



Tried the code but it errored:

Compile error: "Only comments may appear after End Sub, End Function or End

Where am I going wrong?

Many thanks

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