How many puters can I install Office onto?



How many computers am I allowed to install my copy of
Office 2003 onto? I'm sure there's a limit, but I have 2
computers and plan on getting a new one soon and if
there's a limit of, say 2, I don't want to install on the
older one.

Tom Foolery

You, read: one user, may install Office 2003 on "your" one desktop, and
"your" one laptop.

Michael Bednarek

You, read: one user, may install Office 2003 on "your" one desktop, and
"your" one laptop.

Not necessarily. Different versions of Office 11 have different
licensing regimes. As Chris Schatte wrote in an earlier post:

|Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:46:07 -0800
|Lines: 3
|Message-ID: <[email protected]>
|>You can view the EULA for each version of Office 2003 here:
|The agreements clearly state how many machines each can be installed on.

I believe you would need a separate license for each of these, unless
you are a "Qualified Educational User"; see

If you only have one license, it may be legal if you only ever keep
one installed copy between your three PCs. Any opinions on this from
the more knowledgable readers in this forum?

Rob Schneider

SE said:
How many computers am I allowed to install my copy of
Office 2003 onto? I'm sure there's a limit, but I have 2
computers and plan on getting a new one soon and if
there's a limit of, say 2, I don't want to install on the
older one.

In one of your Office Programs, do: Menu: Help/About, click on the End
User License Agreement and read the agreement you made with Microsoft.

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