How many sheets open?


Francis Hookham

The Workbook has several pages including "Pages" and Specs"

At any time several could be open and selected and it is necessary to get
back to a particular arrangement. I have not checked but I imagine "Custom
views." are saved in the computer whereas this worksheet will be used on
different computers.

It would be helpful to run a macro which would make sure two specific sheets
were open arranged vertically and one a specific sheet selected. The
following is ok if there was only one sheet open at the start. How do I
reduce the open sheets to only one as the first part of the macro?

Sub SpecsPageOrder()




ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75

Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=xlVertical

Windows("Door schedule.xls:1").Activate

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75

End Sub

Many thanks.

Francis Hookham


Worksheets are not "open" in that sense; I believe you want look into the
Windows collection of the workbook.

There is also the CustomViews property of the workbook.

Recording a macro whilst you play with these will give you an idea of the
necessary code:
Window>New Window, Window>Arrange..
View>Custom Views...

I'm exactly sure from your question if want multiple windows or not


Francis Hookham

Sorry Nick - I did not make myself clear - I had developed the macro from a
recording but it depends on there being only one sheet (window) being open
at the start - any sheet (window), but only one.

What I am looking for is a bit of code which will close all but one sheet
(window). Will there have to be an error handler for when there is anyway
only one sheet (window) open?

I realise we are anyway talking about only one workbook being open.

I hope you can help with that.


Francis Hookham

Got it - should not have had to bother you (unless there is a less crude

Sub Pages_SPECS_Order()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'This will make sure only two windows are open
'arranged vertically - Pages and SPECS, Specs being selected
On Error Resume Next
Windows("Door schedule.xls:3").Activate
On Error Resume Next
Windows("Door schedule.xls:3").Close
On Error Resume Next
Windows("Door schedule.xls:2").Activate
On Error Resume Next
Windows("Door schedule.xls:2").Close
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=xlVertical
Windows("Door schedule.xls:1").Activate
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
End Sub


Francis Hookham

Ah! That's what I wanted - neat, not pedestian like mine.

Many thanks Nick


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