How many times can I activate?



Hi I recently purchased the small business offise 2007. I have activated it
on two laptops but I think I am going to have to get my one laptop fixed
which will involve a complete start over. Thus, I would have to re-install
the office 2007 again. Would I be able to do so, or would I have to buy the
whole thing again? I wanted to contact microsoft but could not find anyway to
do so for free.


crazydaisy1988 said:
Hi I recently purchased the small business offise 2007. I have activated
on two laptops but I think I am going to have to get my one laptop fixed
which will involve a complete start over. Thus, I would have to re-install
the office 2007 again. Would I be able to do so, or would I have to buy
whole thing again? I wanted to contact microsoft but could not find anyway
do so for free.

The license for Small Business 2007 retail allows the installation on a
primary device and a portable device for the exclusive use of the primary
user of the primary device. It does not matter that you reinstall on the
same or a different (replacement) computer as long as you abide by the
original license conditions. When you reinstall if it doesn't activate on
the internet, just use the telephone activation method (you will be given
the telephone number to call) and that method is usually very painless.

Of course should the version you have be OEM, then you would already be in

Earle Horton

Consult the EULA for your product, Office Button, Word Options, Resources,
About, View the Microsoft Software License Terms.

If you have the product legally installed on one computer, then getting it
fixed and "starting over" does not count as a new install, and does not use
up an activation.

I am not familiar with Small Business, but I was under the impression that
two-install versions were good for one desktop and one portable device.



Earle Horton said:
Consult the EULA for your product, Office Button, Word Options, Resources,
About, View the Microsoft Software License Terms.

If you have the product legally installed on one computer, then getting it
fixed and "starting over" does not count as a new install, and does not
use up an activation.

I am not familiar with Small Business, but I was under the impression that
two-install versions were good for one desktop and one portable device.


Earle for your info here is the pertinent part of the EULA for SBE 2007:

2. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. Before you use the software under a
license, you must assign that license to one device. That device is the
"licensed device." A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a
separate device.
a. Licensed Device. You may install and use one copy of the software on
the licensed device.
b. Portable Device. You may install another copy on a portable device for
use by the single primary user of the licensed device.

You will note that MS did away with the desktop wording. Now it has to be
assigned to a "licensed device" instead of desktop or the equivalent so a
laptop can be the licensed device.

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