Depends on how well the app is written in terms of locking, indexes, etc.
Max technical limit is 255 per Microsoft, but I've never heard of one with
that many users. Never seen mor than about 50.. 10-20 is when people
generally start reporting trouble.
One of my fellow posters will tell you that a poorly designed app will crash
with 1 or 2.
Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting
www.DallasDBAs.com/forum - new DB forum for Dallas/Ft. Worth area DBAs.
Max technical limit is 255 per Microsoft, but I've never heard of one with
that many users. Never seen mor than about 50.. 10-20 is when people
generally start reporting trouble.
One of my fellow posters will tell you that a poorly designed app will crash
with 1 or 2.
Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting
www.DallasDBAs.com/forum - new DB forum for Dallas/Ft. Worth area DBAs.