How much free space required for B2TR?


Gary Mount

How much free space is required to install B2TR? I am trying to install the
Beta 2 Technical refresh to upgrade my OneNote 2007 Beta 2. However I get an
not enough free space error, even if I have deleted most applications and
files off of my computer and have over 1.6 GBytes of hard drive space free.
I don't have Office 2007 installed, just OneNote 2007.
I could make more space available by reformatting the hard drive and
installing Windows XP again, but even that would only give me about 1 GByte
more free space. My computer is a laptop with a 4 Gbyte hard drive.

Patrick Schmid

You need 2 GB free space. See my website for a list of setup issues.

Patrick Schmid

Gary Mount

Problem solved, I replaced my 4 G Byte hard drive with a new 80 G Byte.
I did find an answer to my question in the officeupdate newsgroup. I did
manage to get enough free space. However, afterwards my Internet Explorer 7
would only work in "no add ons" mode.
I didn't now how easy laptop hard drives where to replace, nor that they
were so standard. I have a Sony Vaio laptop with a Fujitsu hard drive, now
replaced with a Western Digital.

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