How Prevent Zero Data From Later This Week From Getting Graphed?



- My X-axis data is a weekly date.
- My Y-axis data is a number entered weekly.

- One day after the weekly date when the data number is entered, the
chart line drops off to zero, presumably because there is no data
number entered and one won't be until the next weekly data entry
date. How can I prevent this line from dropping off to zero?


xl2007: Right click on chart. Then click Select Data, click on Hidden and
empty cells (bottom left of dialog box) and and check box as to how to handle
empty cells.

xl2002: Click on chart to select it. Select Tools->Options->chart tab and
set the Plot empty cells. (I think xl 2003 is same or similar)

Not sure of other versions. If one of the above is not your version then
post your version of xl.





Jon Peltier

If the "blank" cell contains a formula that returns "", then it is not
blank, and any Plot Blank Cells As setting will be ignored. You need to
change the formula so it returns NA(). NA() produces the #N/A error in the
cell, but a line or XY chart will not plot the associated point.

- Jon

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