How save SORT?



An using MS Office 2002 Excel. Have various worksheets that I always sort a
certain way... let's say address list is sorted Column B, then Column A,
then Column C.

Problem is... everytime I go to sort, I have to re-enter this. Is there a
way to save it for a specific worksheet file? Not sure, but it seems like
some worksheets save it (it pops up with this sort criteria), others don't.

Bernard Liengme

Have you tried to record the steps as a macro (Tools|Macro|Record)
Then assign the macro to a button; View|Toolbars|Forms - drag the small
rectangle icon onto the sheet and assign your macro to it.
Come back for more specific questions as needed.


Thank you, actually I was hoping for a more "built in" way, like a check box
in Options that says "save sorts" or <cntl> something that causes it to
memorize the sort, thanks. It seems like some worksheets DO keep the sort,
but can't find one(s) I'm thinking about on PC right now, will be on lookout
for, to see what's different in those.

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