how search EntireColumn to find value?


Ian Elliott

Thanks in advance.

I am having problems getting the value of a cell when
using EntireColumn.

I want to make a function that searches an entire column
for a search string (the function will return the row
number). I was doing this with vlookup, but having
problems if the string wasn't there and was getting error
messages (so I am trying to write my own)

So I have tried:
Dim cell As Range
Set workrange = Columns(1).EntireColumn
For Each cell In workrange
If cell.Value = "hello" Then 'will do search stuf later
cell.Value = "world"
End If
Next cell

but I get a type mismatch error on
if cell.value="hello" then
(I know this doesn't do a search thing but I just wanted
to see if I could use EntireColumn this way).

if I change workrange in the for line to range("b1:b24")
for example, it works fine.

I wanted to use something like UsedRange, but I don't want
to search the entire range, just the column (I plan on
searching column by column, going from left to right).

Any ideas?

Thanks again.

Dave Peterson

How about changing one line:

For Each cell In workRange.Cells

Excel was seeing your Cell variable as a whole column.

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