How send hte letter?



In order to set up an multi-receiver email program with ASP/AccessDB, I
downloaded “Beginners ASP mailing list program†“newsletter.zipâ€

My OS is winXP pro. After unzipping the "" I put all the 11
files in the wwwroot of IIS with SMTP installed properly.

I have made the address database “newsletter.mdb†and viewed the db with
"newslettershow.asp" successfully. So the next step is to send letter.

First openning the form file
to write a letter and then press button "creat letter†After submitting, it
prompt a IE page with address “newlettercreat.aspâ€, but says: “The page
cannot be displayed†and with following information:
Technical Information (for support personnel)
a.. Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/newslettercreate.asp, line 22
The 'line 22' reads:
Set objCDONTS = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

You see, the sending letter failed!

It has taken me much time. Who could help me?!


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