How tell if Email sent ???



My database sends out emails via Outlook but always with Display so the user has the option of entering additional information. However, I need to log emails that were sent. Is there any way I can tell if the 'send' button was pressed or if the email was just saved?

Chris Nebinger

Other than it showing up in the Sent items, not to my

Chris Nebinger

-----Original Message-----
My database sends out emails via Outlook but always with
Display so the user has the option of entering additional
information. However, I need to log emails that were sent.
Is there any way I can tell if the 'send' button was
pressed or if the email was just saved?

Dave Jones

One possible way would be to use a custome designed mail
item based on the normal Outlook Mailitem. The template
could have code in the Item_Send event that would write a
value to a field in your database.

-----Original Message-----
My database sends out emails via Outlook but always with
Display so the user has the option of entering additional
information. However, I need to log emails that were sent.
Is there any way I can tell if the 'send' button was
pressed or if the email was just saved?

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