How tell via Automation if document has been changed?



If I open Word via automation and let the user view, and possibly edit,
a document, how can I tell via Automation if the document has been

Shauna Kelly



Shauna said:
Hi Bill

You can do this if you turn on Track Changes and then use
ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count. If it's > 0 then some changes have
been made.

You'll also need to give the user a mechanism to accept or reject the
tracked changes and to turn off tracked changes.

There's some information on how Track Changes works at

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Thanks Shauna. Word knows internally that a document has benn changed
since it prompts you to save the document when you close Word only if
the document has been changed. I was hoping that there would be a way
to access that flag.

Shauna Kelly

Hi Bill

Ah - if that's all you want, you can use ActiveDocument.Saved. If it's True,
then the document is saved. If it's False then the document is "dirty" and
the user would get a "do you want to save" message on exiting Word.

But that won't necessarily tell you if the document has been changed. If I
open a document, change it and save it, then the .Saved property will be
True, but I have made changes.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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