is there a way to provide a button that will always abort the
VBA execution?
e.g. am executing multiple loops, with calls to time delay functions,
(data acquisition loop), and while this is running, the worksheet
buttons are dead. Even if I have the Visual Basic window open,
I cant use the 'stop' button while the time delay function is
executing, it wont respond for some reason.
I would like a way to preemptively abort execution, e.g. a separate
watchdog process/thread?
VBA execution?
e.g. am executing multiple loops, with calls to time delay functions,
(data acquisition loop), and while this is running, the worksheet
buttons are dead. Even if I have the Visual Basic window open,
I cant use the 'stop' button while the time delay function is
executing, it wont respond for some reason.
I would like a way to preemptively abort execution, e.g. a separate
watchdog process/thread?