Tran Hong Quang
I am using below code to change the menu button's caption. But it only changes the button on the first level, it doesn't change the sub-menu items
CommandBars("MyMenu").Controls contains only first level menu (like "File", "Edit", "View", "Tools", "Windows" of Ms Access' menu). How to access sub-menu items of given menubar
Public Function ChangeMenuLanguage(
Dim cbctr As CommandBarContro
On Error Resume Nex
For Each cbctr In CommandBars("MyMenu").Control
cbctr.Caption = "New name
End Functio
Tran Hong Quang
I am using below code to change the menu button's caption. But it only changes the button on the first level, it doesn't change the sub-menu items
CommandBars("MyMenu").Controls contains only first level menu (like "File", "Edit", "View", "Tools", "Windows" of Ms Access' menu). How to access sub-menu items of given menubar
Public Function ChangeMenuLanguage(
Dim cbctr As CommandBarContro
On Error Resume Nex
For Each cbctr In CommandBars("MyMenu").Control
cbctr.Caption = "New name
End Functio
Tran Hong Quang