how to add a decorative underline to text


Keith Howell

Draw a hrizonal line to work against (hold the shift key down to make sure it
is exactly horizontal). Make up your decorative graphic if it helps make it
bigger than you eventually want and scale it down when you have finished.
Don't forget tou can duplicate a desgin and maneouvre bits with the arrow
keys. Once you have it finished, delete your horizntal guide line, group the
lot (and scale it down if necessary) then specify text wrapping of "In front
of text" (Little dog button in drawing toolbar) and now you can drag the line
to wherever you want.

challa prabhu

To underline by Words, you have 16 types of decorative underline already
available to in the Word application.

Do the following:
1. Select the paragraph
2. On the Format menu, click Font
3. In the Font dialog box, click the Font Tab.
4. Click the Underline style list and select a decorrative underline.
Note: you cannot add custom underline to each word in a paragraph.
5. Click OK.

Challa Prabhu

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