how to add a new table with new fields from a VB com addin



I'm developing a VB com addin, and would like to programmatically create a
custom table with custom fields so I can store a small amount of data inside
an MSProject 2003 project. I know of the existing custom fields, but my
customer is already using some of them, and I would just prefer to have my
own fields that the customer can not access. So can I do that, or can I use
one of the custom fields already provided, but somehow disable them from
being available to a user.


If you are storing the projects in a database, then there is no trouble to
add a custom table.
If you are storing them in files then you are limited to the custom fields
and some project properties (builtin and custom).
In any case you can not completely hide them from the user. You could
encrypt them if you like, but you would need to write an encrypt/decrypt
routine (a simple XOR works against the casual viewer)



Thanks, you've confirmed what I suspected. The encryption idea is a nice
thought, though. As a developer, I hate to live within boundaries, but at
least I can move on with this one now! Thanks again!

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