how to add a procedure which will be called when the user press on user defined menu bar.



i have created a user defined menu, which contains one command buton named '&clicktoopen'
and the document name is xyz.doc
i created a macro which will be called when the user press on the commandbutton
for this i have used ONACTION property
this works fine with the file xyz.doc file, but this dosen/t work if i open another msword document file
is there any way by which this command button is loaded automatically with macro , when the user creates any new word document

please reply
from mani.

Word Heretic

G'day "Manik" <[email protected]>,

Either stick the bar and button in the template to be used to base the
documents on, ensuring the Customize > Save In is set to that template
before customizing, or set up a global template the same so that it is
available to ALL documents.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Manik reckoned:

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