How to add comment field to average radio buttons



I followed S.Y.M. Wong A Ton's instructions for averaging radio buttons and
it worked perfectly -- except the descriptive text for each fields don't show
up. I've repeated all the step and still don't know why they won't show up.

I need to add a comment field to each of the questions. I added the field to
the first field group (jobexperience) and under Default Values, it shows it
for each successive line. However, when I preview it, the comment fields all
show up at the bottom of the form -- I need each comment field to show up
after the rating question.

Any idea how I can do this?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Since you said that you put the comment field under the jobexperience group
and filled the Default Values for them, I'm guessing that you misplaced the
comment field within the repeating table. Try clicking on the table cell
containing the description field, then right-click and select "Insert >
Columns to the Right" to insert a new table column. Delete the field in the
new table cell if it contains one and place the comments field within this
table cell.

As for the descriptive text not showing up: Perhaps you accidentally
unchecked the fields on the "Default Values" properties dialog box? The
checkbox infront of each field must be checked/selected for the value to be


hi there,

thanks for all your help.

I'm not sure if I'm being clear. I'm trying to do a ratings form (not unlike
the Applicant Rating) that comes w/ the program. So there are different
sections, each requiring the same 1-5 rating.

where mine differs is that for each line item, I also need a comments field
where the respondent is supposed to type in additional comments to each of
the questions.
These have to follow the line item and separate each item in order to make

I then need to average each of the sections separately, and then overall.

Thanks for your help!

Oh, and all the boxes are checked but the text still doesn't show.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

I think I understood you correctly. Other than the suggestions I've already
given, I'm not sure where things might have gone wrong in your form.


Let's say you have five options for a radio button...
Create a table with five rows/1 column; in each cell insert a blank section
(could be the same, could be the myFields group).
Inside each section, drag one (just one) of your five radio buttons - they
must stay binded to the original field, otherwise is no longer radio.
On each of these five sections, use the ScreenTip to define your helper for
each of the radio buttons (ScreenTip: right-click the Section,
Hope it helps!

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