How to add itemfrom a worksheet to a Listbox



I have a form with a 2 column listbox, and a worksheet with a two column
list. I want to add items from the worksheet list to the listbox based on
specific conditions. For example:

For Each c5 In dbeWS.Range("B2:B" & rngSAPlines).Cells
If c5.Value = ufrmsiteInfo.cmbSiteID.Text And c5.Offset(0,1).Value
ufrmsiteInfo.txtbox3.Text And c5.Offset(0, 4).Value = False Then
ufrmsiteInfo.ListBox4.AddItem "worksheet row here"
End If
Next c5

Rick Rothstein

I'm not sure what your question is. Is it that you want to know how to get
the "worksheet row here"? If so, try using c5.Row in place of your quote.


Not the whole row just the two cells next to each other. I have a 2 column
table in the worksheet i.e., Range("B2:C391") so,
ufrmsiteInfo.ListBox4.AddItem "worksheet row here"

worksheet row here could be B3 and C3

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