How to add new subpage using mouse?


tripichik, cmt

OneNote instructions say I can right-click on a page and select Add a New
Subpage from the shortcut menu, but that doesn't seem to work in my version.
I also can't seem to find "About" statement in Help menu to see which version
of the program I'm using. Either I've customized things so far that I've
lost access to important parts of the program, or these options aren't where
the Help files tell me they are.

Seems the only way I can add a new Subpage is to open the task pane, select
New, and select New Subpage.

I've found a few other minor but annoying errors in the Help files. Is
anyone working on these? I'd like to share my suggestions with the
documentation team.

Wish I knew what version I had -- I obtained it in 2004 as a Not for Resale
sample given to college students and educators.

John Waller

Wish I knew what version I had

Go to Help > About.

A dialogue box will appear

What does the first line say?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

If you've customized your toolbars and menu so that your menu bars do not
have certain items, you can reset them to their defaults by going to
Tools | Customize | Toolbars Tab | Select a menu and click on the
"Reset" button.

If you do this for the "Menu Bar" toolbar, the Help | About menu
selection should reappear.

Version 11.6360.6360 is SP1. Since OneNote was introduced as part of the
Office 2003 family there should be no other major versions (i.e. you
should have either OneNote 2003 or ON 2003 SP1).

Adding a subpage? You should see two "faded" page tabs at the bottom of
the page tabs in the current section. The top one (i.e. second one from
the bottom) should create a new page, and the bottom one creates a new
subpage of the currently selected page. There should be no UI
customizations that would eliminate these options (although they may be
smaller if you are not showing the full page titles). If you continue to
have problems, try doing a "Detect and Repair" from the Help menu.

Sending Feedback? There is information at this URL on the various ways
to contact MS for product feedback:;en-us;114491

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